
Overall Health

A 10 question survey to help Dr. Brooke understand your needs when it comes to your health and well-being :) 

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Question 1 of 8

From a 1 - 10 where would you rate your overall health.  1 being can't get out of bed and 10 being tons of energy, always joyful, loving life, not on any medications or stimulants to keep you going in the day. 


1 - It's a struggle to get out of bed in the morning


2 - I can get out of bed but it takes medication and prep work to get my feet on the ground


3 - I can get out of bed but something always hurts and last pretty much all day


4 - I can get out of bed but the overall pain last half the day


5 - I have discomfort at some point in the day


6 - I feel okay but not without my medication


7 - I feel great - but I have to take medication


8 - I feel good , I have moments of discomfort but all short lived and I am on zero medication


9 - I feel really good, I love life and my mind is clear - at least 50% of the time I eat organic. I eat out less then 3 days a week.


10 - I have energy to spare, I wake up feeling great - look forward to my day, I have a passion for life and a deeper purpose , my physical health is never a thought because I am eating organic, rarely eat out , only eat animal products that are free range and grass fed, have a self care routine to relieve stress like exercise, yoga, meditation, walking. I am optimistic and know my body is working for me - healing every day in every way. I have inspired others to have a healthier lifestyle simply by them viewing my life. I am happy, grateful and full of love - these emotions are what get me through when i am faced with sadness, worry, or fear. I simply brush negativity off my shoulders.

Question 2 of 8

If I had a magic wand to fix one thing about your health, what would it be?

Question 3 of 8

What do you think is stopping you from fixing that health challenge yourself?

Question 4 of 8

What video topics on health do you typically watch or would like there to be more of?

Question 5 of 8

We understand that educating the ones closest to you can be the most challenging.  What health topics would you like Dr. Brooke to discuss to show your family and friends to help them understand how to take better care of their health?

Question 6 of 8

Why do you enjoy following Spa Longevita's content and what would you like to see more of?

Question 7 of 8

What values do we at Spa Longevita have that you connect with the most? 

Question 8 of 8

What time of year or month would you be most interested in doing a 21 day purification program? 

(Select all that apply)









In the New Year - January


A little after the New Year - February , March


Before Summer because I want to look and feel my best for beach season


Before the holidays like thanksgiving and christmas


After thanksgiving but before christmas

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